Privacy Policy

The Mansion Group Holdings website

Your privacy is important to us and this policy details what information we may collect from you,
how it is collected, how we will use it and who we might share it with, when you use The
Mansion Group Holdings website, together with the content, any search facilities, directory services,
downloads, links and other internet services provided by The Mansion Group Holdings from time to

The Mansion Group Holdings are committed to protecting the rights of individuals in line with the
Data Protection Act 1998 and the General Data Protection Regulation. For this purpose The
Mansion Group Holdings is the Data Controller and their address is 1 Oakwood Square, Cheadle
Royal Business Park, Cheadle, Cheshire SK8 3SB.

Data Protection Officer

The Mansion Group Holdings has a Data Protection Officer who is responsible for ensuring that we
comply with all data protection legislation. They can be contacted by email at, or by writing to The Data Protection Officer, The Mansion Group
Holdings, 1 Oakwood Square, Cheadle Royal Business Park, Cheadle, Cheshire SK8 3SB.

What and how do we collect information about
you and how is it used?

We collect information about your tastes and preferences when you tell us what these are, and
by analysis of customer traffic on our Website, including the use of cookies (see below).

We use information collected about you to help us develop the design and layout of our website
to ensure that our site is as useful and enjoyable as possible and to personalise your repeat visits.

If you agree, we might use the information to let you know about changes to our website, new
services or offers that you might find interesting. If you do not wish to receive this information,
please send an e-­mail to

When you visit our website, our web server does not capture or store personal information, it
does however record your IP address. This is used to help us to manage our Website and to
continually improve our service to you.

What is the legal basis for using your information?

To comply with the General Data Protection Regulation we are required to have a legal basis for
collecting and using your personal data. The lawful reasons we rely on to use your personal
information for the purposes set out in this privacy policy are:

  • If you have given your consent, we will your personal information to contact you about
    new services and offers
  • If it is necessary for us to use your information to comply with a legal obligation

To whom do we disclose your personal data?

We will protect and keep your personal data confidential but subject to the provision of any
applicable law, and depending on the services concerned, we may disclose information to a the
following third parties:

  • Companies working on behalf of The Mansion Group Holdings where necessary to provide
    you with the services that you have personally requested and to process your
    Accommodation Contract with us
  • Any relevant government regulator, authority or law enforcement agency to comply with
    any laws, rules and regulations imposed by any governmental authority
  • To provide aggregate statistics about our services, customers, web traffic patterns and
    other site information, but these statistics will not include any information that could
    personally identify you

The Mansion Group Holdings requires that third party organisations which handle or obtain any
personal information are required to comply with the Data Protection Act 1998 and the General
Data Protection Regulation acknowledge the confidentiality and sensitivity of the data,
undertake to respect individual’s rights to privacy and only use the information for the limited
purposes which have been agreed.

Other than indicated above, we will not disclose any of your personal information without your
consent unless we are required to do so by law.

We will not sell, rent out or trade your personal information to any other third party. We will not
transfer the information you provide to us outside of the European Economic Area.

How Do We Protect your Information?

The Mansion Group Holdings has strict security procedures covering the storage and disclosure of your
information in order to prevent unauthorised access to comply the UK Data Protection Acts of
1984 and 1998 and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This means that sometimes
we may ask for proof of identity before we disclose personal information to you.

Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics software to collect information about how you use our website. We
do this to help make sure the site is meeting the needs of our users and to help us make
improvements. This information is only processed in a way which does not identify anyone. For
more information visit


Cookies are small files, stored either in your computer or mobile device’s memory, or hard drive
when visiting most major websites. They help the site ‘remember’ if you’ve visited it before. You
can read more about how we use cookies in our Cookies Policy.

How long do we keep your Information?

We will store any personal data which you given to us for as long as you continue to use our
services. However there are various legal requirements and/or business best practice
requirements that determine the retention periods for different kinds of information. We will
regularly review the personal data we hold, and delete anything we no longer need, unless there
is a special reason for keeping it.

What are your rights in relation to the information
we hold about you?

You can request a copy of the personal data we hold on you, details of how we use and
store your data, or receive further details regarding your rights

  • If any personal data we hold regarding you is incorrect, you may request a correction to
    this information at any time
  • You may request that we stop processing your personal data at any time or to object to
    our continued use of your data. This does not affect any processing that has been
    carried out prior to your request being received
  • You can request us to limit what we do with your information
  • You have the right to request that we transmit all or any personal data we hold
    regarding you to a third party in a commonly used format
  • You have the right to ask us to delete any or all personal data that we hold on you. The
    only reason we would not carry out this request is if it would result in us being in breach
    of other legal or regulatory obligations we have, but we would always inform you at the
    time if this was the case
  • If we have been using your information on the legal basis of consent, you have the right
    to withdraw your consent at any time. This wouldn’t affect any use of your personal data
    carried out up until that point, but would have immediate effect from when we receive
    your request

Our obligations to comply with the above rights may be subject to certain exemptions.
Any requests or objections should be made in writing to the Data Protection Officer by email to or in writing to The Data Protection Officer, The Mansion Group
Holdings, 1 Oakwood Square, Cheadle Royal Business Park, Cheadle, Cheshire SK8 3SB.

Customer Feedback and Complaints

We welcome your questions and comments about privacy issues and the design of our website.

If you are not happy about how we are using your personal data, please email us at and we will try to resolve your complaint.

If you are not satisfied with our response you can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office
at, click the “Report a concern” link and then following the steps found on the
page. Alternatively you can write to them at Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House,
Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF.

Changes to our Privacy Policy

The Mansion Group Holdings will keep this privacy policy under regular review. We may change the
policy from time to time by updating this page, so that you are always kept informed of how we
collect and use the information and when we would disclose it.

Last Updated January 2024